Production of recreational vessel in 2012
For our customers, we produced in 2012, for example, the following vessels.
Wide Bean Carter
The vessel type WIDE BEAM, legth 60', width 10'

Narrowboat Brabbs
The vessel type Narrowboat, length 57', width 6'10"

Wide Beam Kretay
The vessel type Bide Beam, length 60', width 10'

CCL 13 - Share Boat
The vessel type Narrowboat, length 58', width 6¨10"

Narrowboat Collier
The vessel type Narrowboat, length 57¨6", width 6¨10"

Wide Beam Clarke

Narrowboat Swallow (Simple)

Wide Beam PICTOR

Wide Beam WARNER

Narrowboat EBV22
Narrowboat of 57´and of 6´10". Skeleton shipped to England 3 10th 2012.

Narrowboat Peters
Craft prodiction was terminated on day 12 October 2012 and 15 October 2012, the ship was transported to England to handover to the customer.

Narrowboat Eatwell